Q&A with Mosea Esaias (CS ’17, Swarthmore ’17), MBA student at Chicago Booth School of Business

Mosea Esaias (Chicago Scholars Class of 2017, Swarthmore College ’17) is an MBA student at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Booth School of Business is Chicago Scholars’ first graduate school partner.
What do you plan to do after you finish your degree?
My professional background is in political consulting for startups. However, my first-ever professional job was as an intern at a one-room analytics software startup in Chicago the summer after I graduated from high school. I watched with excitement as the company expanded significantly in the ensuing years. Chicago Scholars connected me with this opportunity, and it was my first exposure to the possibilities within venture-backed entrepreneurship.
Upon completing my MBA at Booth, I plan to transition into an investment role within the venture capital sector, leveraging my extensive background with startups. My ultimate goal is to invest at the intersections of societies and markets. I believe in companies with a clear value proposition for shareholders stemming from an expansive view of the social environments in which they operate. I aspire to use the analytical frameworks and leadership skills acquired at Booth to identify and nurture these businesses, building important products and services while driving the economic development of Chicago.
What’s it like to attend Booth School of Business as a Chicago Scholars Alum?
I am from a predominantly Black neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago. The University of Chicago is a special place to me, and in many ways I grew up in the backyard of this institution. I share a lot in common with the values of the University, and attending Chicago for graduate school has always felt like a natural next step for my personal and professional development.
Attending Booth as a CS alum is deeply rewarding and fulfilling. It’s a testament to how far I’ve come—from a young person in the heart of the South Side seeking personal development and self-discovery, to now pursuing my MBA at a globally renowned institution. Booth’s commitment to academic freedom and its emphasis on meaningful impact resonate with my own principles and experiences with CS. It’s an empowering experience, and one that constantly fills me with gratitude.
Do you think your experience as a Chicago Scholar helped prepare you for Booth?
Absolutely-–Chicago Scholars was instrumental in preparing me for Booth. Chicago Scholars focuses on fostering economic mobility, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging. Their goal is to create a dynamic Chicago led by diverse leaders from across the city. The organization provided me with resources, training, and opportunities to successfully apply to college, graduate, and embark on my professional career. My involvement with Chicago Scholars reinforced the importance of resilience, strategic thinking, and the value of community—competencies which were indispensable along my journey to business school and beyond.
How do you think the partnership between Chicago Scholars and Booth School of Business will help future Scholars?
Chicago brims with talent and potential. However, many of the city’s youth lack the resources and opportunities needed for higher education and to realize their capabilities. Chicago Scholars is making significant strides to address this challenge. A partnership between CS and Booth has the potential to create a powerful pipeline for Chicago’s young talent to access world-class business education and opportunities. Scholars would benefit from Booth’s rigorous academic environment and its commitment to fostering leadership skills. At the same time, Chicago Booth would benefit from the wealth of insights rooted in the intellectual diversity stemming from its surrounding communities. The symbiotic relationship between Chicago Scholars and Booth can amplify the impact on economic mobility and leadership development, cultivating a new generation of diverse leaders for Chicago and beyond.
What’s your advice to Scholars who are thinking about grad school?
While college enrollments have declined in recent years, particularly among young men of color, higher education remains a critical gateway for opportunity in the United States. My advice is to pursue your passions with perseverance and an open mind. Grad school, especially a prestigious institution like Booth, is not just about academic rigor; it’s also about personal development in preparation for the long-term peregrination through life. Utilize your experiences and the networks you’ve built, like those from CS, to guide your journey. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and never underestimate the value of mentorship and building relationships. With hard work, discipline, and determination, students of all backgrounds can overcome barriers and attain excellence.
What would you say to your Booth colleagues about getting involved with Chicago Scholars?
I would encourage my Booth classmates to get involved with CS and contribute to shaping future leaders from across Chicago. Involvement with CS is an opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of young people who are just starting their professional journeys. Whether through mentorship, sharing expertise, or supporting the Scholars’ college application and career transition processes, support for Chicago Scholars perfectly exemplifies Booth’s “pay it forward” mentality. Engaging with CS not only enriches the lives of Scholars but also provides invaluable learning and personal growth opportunities for Booth students. Together, we can help create a vibrant Chicago powered by diverse leaders from every neighborhood.