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We’re in Montreal: Oscar Cazalez

What is your current role? How would you describe the work that you do?

At Bank of Montreal, BMO, I am a Senior Analyst, sitting at the intersection of finance and data.  In short, I translate complex data into actionable insights, empowering BMO’s leadership to make data-driven decisions that ensure the bank’s continued success.  It’s a pivotal role, where I bridge the gap between data and strategy.

What was your Chicago Scholars experience like?

Chicago Scholars was a game-changer for me. As a first-generation college student and a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient, navigating the path to higher education felt daunting. But Chicago Scholars became my champion. Their support wasn’t just financial – they were there every step of the way, a constant source of guidance and encouragement. They empowered me to not just dream of college, but to achieve it.

 How did Chicago Scholars support you to be the person you are today? Chicago Scholars didn’t just equip me with professional skills – they empowered me to become a leader. I channeled that leadership by co-founding a scholarship at my university to support students who, like me, wouldn’t qualify for government funding. Thanks to Chicago Scholars’ corporate partnerships, I also gained invaluable mentorship and connections that continue to propel me forward in my career.

What advice would you have given yourself just after being accepted into the program?

Chicago Scholars isn’t just an amazing organization, it’s a springboard to launch your future. Dive headfirst into every opportunity they offer. You’ll forge connections with inspiring people, discover hidden talents, and unlock resources that will change the trajectory of your life.


What advice do you have for current Scholars?

Chicago Scholar, seize this moment! The resources at your fingertips, from the program itself to the vibrant city of Chicago, are an unparalleled chance to forge your path. Network voraciously. Every interaction could spark a connection, a new opportunity for professional and personal growth. First-generation Scholars shed the “I don’t know anyone who’s done this or who looks like me” mentality. You are pioneers, wielding a blank canvas. Embrace the challenge! Unleash your hard work and ambition to make a true impact. This city, this program, is your launchpad. Ascend to unimaginable heights!

What does being from Chicago mean to you now?

Chicago is more than just a city to me, it’s the embodiment of my parents’ American Dream. They crossed borders, leaving everything behind, so my brothers and I could breathe the air of opportunity. We landed in Pilsen, a vibrant neighborhood that became our home. Growing up here, I felt the weight of their dreams pressing on me, a constant reminder to never waste the chance they gave us. Being a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient, just added fuel to the fire. It wasn’t always easy, but Chicago wrapped its arms around us. This city offered opportunities, a support system, and a place to prove myself. I’m forever grateful for the life I’ve built here, for the struggles that made me stronger, and for the city that believed in me before I even believed in myself.

What do you wish people knew about Chicago Scholars, as well as the city of Chicago?

Chicago is brimming with potential, but far too often, talented young people lack the resources to reach their full potential. That’s where Chicago Scholars steps in- it’s about connecting Chicago’s driven students with the guidance, support, and opportunities they deserve. It’s about unlocking the city’s potential, one scholar at a time. As a Chicagoan myself, I’m incredibly grateful for Chicago Scholars’ dedication to empowering our city’s future leaders.