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We’re in Chicago: Jose Vital

Jose Vital is an advertiser and photographer who has worked on numerous campaigns for technology, financial services and healthcare clients developing TV, radio and print ads. He has worked on projects that include the Super Bowl, celebrities, and the F1 race. Jose is also a photographer working with clients

What is your current role? How would you describe the work that you do?

Currently a freelance brand strategist and photographer. I work with clients on helping develop their brand voice and identity. As a photographer, I work with clients to create concepts they would like to capture. I consider myself to be a storyteller, working with people to plan on what they want to say, like working with clients as they want to be seen as experts or trusted partners. Or just individuals who want professional career headshots and helping them achieve those goals.

What was your Chicago Scholars experience like?

My Chicago Scholars experience brought me together with scholars from all over the city that had different backgrounds but we had the same goals of succeeding academically and securing resources. I felt like they were some of my biggest supporters along with my mentors and felt connected by building experiences like exploring the city together.

How did Chicago Scholars support you to be the person you are today?

Chicago Scholars always provided opportunities for me to grow as a person both academically, professionally and personally. I was able to learn and practice networking, develop my professional skills and motivated me to not give up. The Chicago Scholars staff cared about my growth so I worked extensively with them through experiences like the Emerge program.

What advice would you have given yourself just after being accepted into the program? What advice do you have for current Scholars?

Make the most of the experience. Meet people from different backgrounds. Participate in events even if you go alone. Chicago Scholars says, “Your network is your net worth.” Build community with people who want you to succeed.

What does being from Chicago mean to you now?

I have so much pride. Chicago is the birthplace of so much culture, ideas and communities. A city that is proud of what they have and do as well as the residents.

What do you wish people knew about Chicago Scholars, as well as the city of Chicago?

Chicago Scholars are some of the most ambitious, diverse and talented scholars in the nation. They grew up interacting with different cultures and are top performers at their schools striving to grow academically and professionally. They take initiative by being leaders at their schools. From being class presidents, team captains and so much more. They also work hard, as most of them are first generation or first in their families to pursue a college education. Chicago is a known as a colorful, culturally rich city because of people like Chicago Scholars. They are the ones creating trends and being leaders in the communities they serve.