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We’re in Kirksville: Christeena Jojo

Christeena is a 2nd year medical student attending the A.T. Still University. She is the first in her family to pursue a doctorate degree in medicine. She was born and raised in Chicago, IL and attended high school at Lane Tech college prep. She received a scholarship to attend UW Madison and graduated with a degree in Health Promotion and Health Equity with a minor in global health, health policy, and stem cell research certificate. 

What is your current role? How would you describe the work that you do? 

My current role is a second year medical student at ATSU KCOM.

What was your Chicago Scholars experience like? 

My experience has been very supportive and motivating. Amazing opportunity to be surrounded with other scholars and having experiences like ScholarCon.

How did Chicago Scholars support you to be the person you are today?

Chicago Scholars was the start of my journey of learning how to get into college and into medicine. The internships helped me develop important skills and professionals that I am still using today. This was a great opportunity to work in different fields and get a better understanding and perspectives of other fields.

What advice would you have given yourself just after being accepted into the program? What advice do you have for current Scholars? 

Take all the opportunities you can and build your network.

What does being from Chicago mean to you now? 

Being from Chicago means being from a community that is very diverse and has so much opportunity to give to our future generation. Chicago is home and will always hae a special place in my beginnings and opportunities.

What do you wish people knew about Chicago Scholars, as well as the city of Chicago? 

The students in this program are qualified, driven, and future leaders that will change the world.